Committee Members

Wg Cdr K L Kapoor(Rtd.)

K L KapoorHe Retired from India Air Force after 25 years of satisfactory services. He participated in 1971 War and was awarded POORVI & PASHCHIMI War Medals. He has taken up the responsibilities of society as honorary Director and brought our many improvements. He was part of delegate which request Mr. Rai to take corrective action and was an unanimous choice to supervise the functioning of society as director, after the resignation of Mrs. Manpreet Bajwa, he is Officer-in-Charge of Managing Committee appointed by court order. He brought out many changes in working of the society .The transparency of donations received by giving proper receipts and proper accounting of donations was introduced. He also raised substantial fund through relative and friends and improve the condition of building and other infrastructures. As a person having experience of schooling activities he has fair amount of knowledge appreciate behavior and physically of children.

Mr. R D Malik

R D MalikRetired as Principal from local government school helps in handling the education matters of children. He also supports the organization with full devotion. As Principle of government school he has better appreciating of behavior and physiology of children.

Mr. Kamal Tiwari

Kamal TiwariKamal Tiwari is an eminent social worker committed for development of under privileged children. He is connected with many educational and development activities as various part of Adivasi Area. He has taken up the responsibility of maintaining accountsof the society

Mr. Jaiwant Daulat Singh

Jaiwant Daulat SinghA generous donor and help in roping other influential ………… for benefit of society. An very enthusiastic young man sincerely involved in activities of ashram. He was instrumental in getting substantial amount of contribution through khushii kinship .A man with high connection was instrumental in saving substantial amount of funds of society. He was treasurer of society and brought out various irregularities during the period before May 2012. He is also an generous donor and help in getting funds from other sources. His mother was emotionally attached to the orphanage activities.

Mr. Amitabh Chaturvedi

Amitabh ChaturvediAn eminent lawyer practicing in honorable Delhi High Court was emotionally attached with home. His parents also patronized the home and he selflessly handled the contempt case against Mr. S P Rai and could secure favorable decision. He besides being a generous donor handles all law oriented activities.